Good presentation of generally available information surrounding neglect or complicity of high government position.
I have a web page about the tower demolition based on my viewing of a 1990 PBS documentary about the construction of WTC 1. I have experience with structural steel, steel reinforced concrete and above ground blasting. This experience is applied with common sense to the creation of a scenario that fully fits the event.
The profundity of free fall and total pulverization are explained. Many raw images of the towers demolition are explained and fit into a sequence that reveals the towers true structural design, something very different from FEMA presents. The odd sequence of plane impact to tower fall is explained along with fall patterns/directions of the towers, flight 93 is explained. The power down on the weekend before is defined as opportunity to set detonators and the type of detonator is described relating to a bush connection to information enabling the use of it in a very well designed, sophisticated delay system intended to mimic a collapse of a building resulting from aircraft impact, delayed.