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Issue No. 8 - The Matrix
U P D A T E D :

Iraq War Truth

9-11 Truth

The Matrix Hides Electoral Fraud

Watch the Labels the Media Uses

The Media Matrix Hides a Party

When Morpheus Comes

Examining the London Bombings


The 'I' Word

Democrats Better 'Republicans' Than the Politicians in the GOP

We're All Paranoid

More Evidence of Vote Corruption

When Media Dogs Don't Bark

F E A T U R E S :

Behind the Veil of the Bush & Clinton Years

Entering the Era of Deep Politics

Liberating the Mind, Leaving the Matrix

The Military: An Interview with Stan Goff

Geopolitics: It's Now or Never for Washington

Finance: I Want the Earth, Plus 5%

Book Review: Confessions of An Economic Hit Man

Poem: The Four Horsemen of the Average Fixed Cost

 M A T R I X

Congressman (R) Asks If It Was All a Big Mistake

Congressman (D) Calls For Real 9-11 Hearings

L.A. Times: Is Al Qaeda Fake?

Miami Herald: 'Dean Scream' Was Fraud

Former CIA Condemns New 'Attack Matrix'

Together, We Moved Three Mountains

Media Whites Out Vote Fraud

New Poll Finds Bush Ideas Already Out of Step (Supposedly We Just Reelected Him)

Garlic & Grass Discussion

In response to 'The Matrix Hides Electoral Fraud', by Diane Perlman:

While I will not take issue with her claims that Bush won the 2004 election through vote fraud, Diane's theory that 'white, US born males are more emphatic about accepting the outcome and the futility of challenging it, while others are more willing to recognize being dominated and are open to questioning what happened' is poorly supported by the evidence.

The two presidential candidates responsible for the Ohio vote challenge, Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party and David Cobb of the Green Party, are both 'white' (the popular catch-all term used to lump together people of extremely diverse backgrounds and cultures from Siberia to the Azores as if they were a monolithic group).

In Congress, Ron Paul (R-Texas), another 'white' man, is the most consistent opponent of the big government statist (not a typo -- look it up) quo which enables the vote corruption we have seen by the two-party cartel. (As Diane's article implies but does not directly state, the problem is not just Republicans, and is not new; it is widely suspected that Mayor Daley of Chicago stole the election for JFK in 1960.)

Rep. Paul is seen as such a threat that the Republican leadership opposed him in the primary election in which he ran for the open seat he had formerly represented, even though he was the strongest candidate they had and ultimately went on to regain his seat and win reelection several times against Democratic opponents (who, like the GOP leaders, attempted to make hay with his opposition to the 'war on drugs' and other anti-establishment positions). Has the Democratic Party leadership similarly backed opponents of Barbara Boxer, John Conyers, or Stephanie Tubb-Jones?

As a matter of fact, 'white' males are disproportionately represented in many of the alternative movements challenging the statist quo, the Libertarian and Green parties prominently among them.

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