Celsius 9-11
The Top Ten Unanswered Questions About 9-11
By Tony Brasunas
Garlic & Grass hereby calls on all patriotic Americans to examine the unanswered
questions about 9-11. The time is now. The 9-11 Commission has declared its
work done without even asking some of the most important questions about
As you may recall, G&G began looking at 9-11 in March of 2003. Our Did Bush Know? issue quickly became our most popular issue ever. People were hungry for the story.
In the time since publication of "Did Bush Know?," unfortunately, the holes in the official story have only grown. And now we can
ignore them no longer. First and foremost, we American citizens are left utterly without proven answers on: who
actually did 9-11 (with evidence), why they did it (including
underlying motives), and how they got away with it (if there was such
catastrophic incompetence, why wasn't anyone in the US government reprimanded or fired?). What we have, in essence, is an unsolved crime. But because 9-11 continues to serve as the
political, philosophical, and emotional bases for many of our government's
ongoing actions, we absolutely need – and deserve – nothing less than an immediate open inquiry into how 9-11 occurred.
For the consideration of all Americans, G&G submits "The Top Ten Unanswered
Questions About 9-11," below.
It may feel unsettling to examine these unanswered questions, but please take a minute to do so, if you haven't
already. This is an exceptionally important time for this country, perhaps
the most serious of our lifetimes. It may very well be that the challenge of
our era is to cut through the shadows of these dark days and learn the truth
about 9-11. Other generations have faced colonialism, slavery, Nazism. Let
not our descendants' question be: "Why didn't you take a moment to really think about
Should we never discover the true perpetrators, the obvious danger is that
there might be more massacres of American citizens. One thing we know for sure is that the FBI's list
of alleged hijackers was wrong. Many of the people named turned out either to have died
long before 9-11, or still to be alive after 9-11. No alternate list of
hijackers has ever been put forward.
So, to safeguard our country from future attacks, let us be willing to open our minds, descend into the shadows, and find
the true light.
The free man is he who does not fear to go to the end of his thought.
- Leon Blum
Before we examine the questions, know that in doing so we are far from alone. Today millions of Americans are already questioning
the official story. Indeed, according to the first-ever poll on people's beliefs about 9-11, which came out in August 2004, two-thirds of New Yorkers think the Commission didn't answer the biggest questions about 9-11 and desire an open investigation. Fully half believe some leaders in the federal government "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and consciously failed to act."
Fahrenheit 9-11 has opened millions of eyes. And of course once
the reasons for the Iraq War were mostly exposed as lies, it is
growing harder for people to give Bush the benefit of the doubt on 9-11.
Indeed, one wonders, why an administration who lied to start a war
which has killed thousands and which may kill thousands more, deserves the
benefit of the doubt on anything.
...it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds...
- Samuel Adams
For most of you who are open-minded, the questions raised elsewhere in Celsius 9-11 have already been sufficient for demanding a
full and open inquiry into 9-11 that would consider all possible motives and
For those of you who feel convinced by the administration's declarations, and
don't need credible evidence that it was al Qaeda, consider the ten
unanswered questions below. If you have, say, a 50% open mind on the matter,
the first three of the questions will probably be sufficient for you to
decide that a full inquiry is in fact warranted. Even if you're a diehard
skeptic, with a mere 25% open mind, it's still unlikely the remaining seven
would not be enough to convince you. If your mind is less than 25% open,
well, you will probably remain that way until you see Cheney on the stand,
under oath, confessing foreknowledge.
Why weren't Air Force planes sent up to
intercept the hijacked planes? In the year before 9-11, jet fighters were
sent up routinely (at least 67 times) whenever, according to the FAA's own
standard operating procedure manuals, an airliner went off course by two
miles or by 15 degrees. The mainstream media has never highlighted this.
Routine FAA and military procedures should've intercepted the first plane
before it struck the World Trade Center. Remember, this is interception, not shooting down. Interception happens all the time, like a cop pulling over a speeding motorist on the highway. On 9-11, the FAA was notified by a frantic
stewardess that the plane was hijacked fully 25 minutes before it
crashed. Usually it only takes 10-12 minutes for jet fighters to go from
stationary to 29,000 feet and 1850 mph. Jets should have intercepted that
first plane. But for the second plane, which crashed 15 minutes later and
which was known to be hijacked 20 minutes before it crashed, the failure to
intercept strains credulity. Fighter jets should already have been in the
air above Manhattan. And then the plane that supposedly struck the Pentagon
was known to be hijacked a full 45 minutes before it crashed – after two
other planes had already been hijacked – yet it flew unchallenged over the
most protected airspace in the world. That this last plane was not intercepted is
simply incredible. The Pentagon has the most advanced radar and air defense
in the world, and Andrews Air Force base, which is charged with defending
the Pentagon and always has fighter jets on ready alert, lies a mere 11 miles away (1 minute flying time).
More at: www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline
2. BUSH'S REACTIONS ON 9-11. Why did George Bush go into a meaningless photo
op in an elementary school after hearing that an airliner had crashed into
the World Trade Center? He was briefed by National Security Advisor
Condoleezza Rice before entering the classroom. She must've told him that
the plane had been hijacked, since the FAA and NORAD had known it had been
hijacked for 45 minutes by this point. She also must've told him that another plane was hijacked, since it had been known of for 20 minutes by this point. Finally, while listening to
2nd graders read, why does Bush merely nod calmly when told about the second
plane smashing into the WTC? He gazes off into space for whole minutes while
the towers burn, looking conflicted and worried.
More at:
3. THE COLLAPSE OF THE TWIN TOWERS. Why did the towers collapse? No steel
skyscraper had ever collapsed because of fire. Repeat: In the 100-year history of
steel skyscrapers, none had ever collapsed because of fire. The steel used in skyscrapers doesn't melt at
temperatures that fire can attain when burning in open air. Jet fuel is
essentially refined kerosene, which burns at around 700 C in optimal, perfectly-aerated conditions. Even if the fires did get this hot, it's not nearly hot enough to melt (or even significantly
weaken) structural steel, which melts around 1,535 C. Also, given the shocking speed
and neatness with which both towers fell, and the seismic evidence of small
earthquakes moments before they fell, and the fact the buildings were
pulverized instead of falling in chunks, it appears that the towers actually
fell due to a controlled demolition rather than fire. It's imperative that
an investigation into what happened on 9-11 examine the readily available evidence and this unsettling
More at: 911research.wtc7.net/talks/towers/introduction.html
4. THE COLLAPSE OF WTC BUILDING 7. Don't forget about this building. Yet
another steel skyscraper collapsed from fire that day. None ever, and then
three, in one day. WTC 7 was another building in the World Trade Center
complex, but it was the furthest of the buildings from the Twin Towers. It was located on the next block. Little
debris struck it, and there were no large fires burning inside of it. Yet,
as that horrendous day was ending, at 5:20 pm, WTC 7 collapsed in a
remarkable 7 seconds. Nearly the speed of freefall. It fell in what appeared
to be a perfect implosion-style demolition. Yet the official story is that
it collapsed because a diesel generator located in its basement exploded,
causing the whole building to 'pancake' neatly, floor by floor, to the
ground. This seems impossible both because an explosion in the basement
wouldn't cause a neat implosion – but rather a toppling – and because the 57 floors of the building
couldn't have 'pancaked' individually and still reached the ground at freefall speed.
More at: www.wtc7.net/videos.html
Why won't the Pentagon release their video
footage of this event? The event was perhaps the most bizarre of all.
Consider Question #1 again. The plane that supposedly struck the Pentagon
was known to have been hijacked for 45 minutes – after two other planes had
already been hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center. Yet this plane supposedly flew
unchallenged over the most protected airspace in the world, and then crashed
into the headquarters of our trillion-dollar military. While footage of both
WTC crashes has surfaced and been shown ad infinitum on television, no
footage of the Pentagon explosion has ever been released. The Pentagon oddly chose only to
release five still-frames from their security cameras' footage. One of
these five frames shows something that might be a plane or a missile or a gray
smear. The other four show an exploding fireball on the side of the
Pentagon. There was barely any debris from whatever caused the explosion,
and yet supposedly the remains of the passengers were all physically identified by the
FBI. So the explosion completely vaporized tons of steel, yet didn't destroy
human remains? Also, the hole in the side of the Pentagon was too small for
a 757 to fit into. Why won't the Pentagon release the rest of the footage?
More at: 911research.wtc7.net/talks/pentagon/video.html
Why was the debris from this plane spread out over
eight miles? The official story is that the plane crashed after the
passengers stormed the cockpit. But normally when planes crash into the
ground the debris ends up in a relatively small area. Often the fuselage and
wings remain near each other. The debris scattering over eight miles is
very odd. Is the official story believable? Numerous eyewitness accounts
suggest the plane was shot down by another, unmarked plane.
More at: www.rense.com/general54/ccover.htm; and
Why was the debris from the Pentagon
and the World Trade Center destroyed immediately after 9-11? Normally
forensic teams examine all evidence from a crime scene. Yet the steel from
the collapsed WTC was immediately shipped to Korea and China, where it was
melted down within days. That steel would've indicated whether the buildings
collapsed due to fire, something that has never happened and that would mandate
drastic redesign of tall buildings. That steel also would've told the
tale if the buildings had collapsed, instead, due to another cause – like an
explosive demolition. It was the same at the Pentagon: the surprisingly small
amount of debris was swiftly whisked away to an undisclosed location.
More at: www.wanttoknow.info/9-11cover-up10pg; and
Who were the big investors who knew 9-11 was about to
happen? Although the stock trading on American and United Airlines was up by
1200% the day before 9-11, no public investigations into who profited were
undertaken. Hundreds of Arab-looking Americans were rounded up and
interrogated for little apparent reason, but neither the SEC nor the FBI arrested
any of those who made millions from uncanny 9-11 stock trading. The FBI's reason? They say they know who made those trades, and the traders "had no conceivable connection to Al Qaeda."
More at: www.hereinreality.com/insidertrading.html; and
9. THE FEDERAL COMMISSION. Why did Bush block the formation of the 9-11
Commission? Why did it take 411 days to finally form the commission, when
other commissions have been formed in less than a week? It took six days to
form the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination of John F.
Kennedy. If it hadn't been for the insistent demands of the widows of 9-11 (and just four
of them led the way), there never would have been any 9-11 Commission at
all. When the 9-11 Commission was finally formed, why did Bush withhold funding from it? The commission to investigate the crash of the Space Shuttle Columbia, which killed seven people, received $50 million. Bush only allocated $3 million to the 9-11 Commission. He later, after much prodding, acceded to $11 million. Opposing and resisting an investigation of 9-11 looks ridiculously bad from a political standpoint, so why has Bush done it? As with all of this, the corporate media apparently has no desire to investigate. Perhaps most damning of all is that the 9-11 Commission's chairman and director were both selected by the
Bush Administration. Six of the commission's other nine members also had
deep, longstanding ties to the administration and to the intelligence,
petroleum, and military industrial complexes they were charged with
investigating. Normally, a suspect does not get to select his judge or
jury, even if he's innocent. While we consider independence to be a hallmark
of the American judicial system, unfortunately nothing about the 9-11
Commission was independent.
More at: www.joycelynn.com
10. LARGER MOTIVES. The people running our country right now – Bush,
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby, Abrams – are all connected to a group
called the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). In fact, Cheney,
Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Jeb Bush are a few of PNAC's original founders. The
manifesto of PNAC, written in the late 1990's, calls for the establishment
of an American empire to ensure, in their words, "political and economic
freedom abroad...and an international order friendly to American security,
prosperity, and principles." The document boldly called for: a 40% increase
in the military budget, the formation of a Space Force (in addition to the
Air Force) to patrol and control outer space, a "Star Wars" missile-to-missile
defense system, a fiercer and more potent global CIA "attack matrix," and an
aggressive policy of "pre-emptive war" to defeat enemies before they become
strong. In essence, PNAC advocates ruling the world. PNAC's documents sadly
acknowledge that the majority of Americans do not want an American empire
and would not support the formation of one, "absent some catastrophic and
catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor." Nine months after these
people came to power, strangely enough, they got their "new Pearl Harbor."
And since 9-11, they've got their 40% increase in the military budget
(exactly 40%, in fact). They've got the beginnings of a Space Force, "Star
Wars" is fully funded, as is the CIA's "Total Attack Matrix." And they clearly
got their first pre-emptive war. These coincidences at least merit some
More at: www.newamericancentury.org/defensenationalsecurity2000.htm
These questions are wide-ranging. They even seem overwhelming. What's more,
I don't know the answers to them. In fact, I honestly don't know anyone who
can definitively say exactly what conspiracy happened on 9-11. It may have
partially involved Arabs and Osama bin Laden. It may not have. I just know
the official story can't be right. We absolutely need a full and open
inquiry that will ask all of the questions. Then, and only then, will this
nation of ours be safe, secure, and at peace.
Tony Brasunas is publisher of Garlic & Grass.
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4 Comments on this Article
Jeff Strahl of Denver, CO writes:
As the person who, with Jim Hoffman's help, constructed the presentation at
911research.wtc7.net's Pentagon site, I have to add a few comments. That Pentagon video, from which 5 frames were released, is highly
suspect, as our more recent version shows. Still, the Pentagon evidence
is extremely important -- the hole's size, given the plane's dimension and
angle of approach; the lack of any significant debris, especially wings and tail;
the lack of damage to the cable spools, fence and lawn outside the damage
area; the lack of evidence of jet fuel fire in exposed sections of the
building. Thanks for including it as one of the 'Top Ten' [in The Top Ten Unanswered Questions about 9-11].
Posted Sep 13, 2004
Joe writes:
You ask why it looks like Flight 93 was shot down. Well, it most likely was. Now, if Americans were involved in a conspiracy to carry out the 9/11 attacks, then why would they let Flight 93 get shot down?
Posted Mar 8, 2006
Sabina Clarke of Philadelphia, PA writes:
This is all very interesting. It seems everyone has a story either directly or indirectly regarding a massive cover-up. An FBI agent told someone I know to "stay out of New York city" for awhile--this was prior to 9/11.
Posted Sep 8, 2006
James writes:
Rather than 9/11 Truth having to prove all the accusations, it would be far better for the US Government explain away all the issues.
Clearly they can't.
For instance, why did the collapse of all three buildings happen at near gravity fall speed? WTC7 came down in 6.5 seconds. Why was the steel removed for immediate shipping to China without proper forensics being done?
One could go on and on.
Posted Dec 16, 2007
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