For about 30 minutes after his chief of staff told him that America was under attack, George W. Bush continued to sit in an elementary school classroom listening to a second-grader tell a story about a pet goat. He did a marvelous job of looking unsurprised. FULL STORY
They just keep surfacing, from G&G readers and from elsewhere. Perhaps because 9-11 remains the pretense for eroding our rights and starting wars... by Tony Brasunas
With the government itching for war, history says we'll soon see fabricated events to scare us and false reports to persuade us... by Tony Brasunas
F E A T U R E S:
Welcome to Garlic & Grass's conspiracy issue. Let's shine the unstinting light we've shone on voting and media into the shadows surrounding 9-11...
The Minute-by-Minute Timeline of 9-11
The world-famous timeline. Carefully documented, amazingly meticulous. If you read only one thing in this issue, read the timeline... by Paul Thompson
The Top 10 Conspiracies of 2002
A "Cliff's Notes" to all the important stories: Bush looks unsurprised on 9-11; It's all about the black gold; The complicity of the media... by Mike Ward
Special - Garlic & Grass Arts Book Review: The War on Freedom
Examining the "War On Of Terrorism," and its underlying causes... Book review by Carol Brouillet