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Issue No. 3 - DID BUSH KNOW?
C O N T E N T S :

New » More Big Questions on 9-11

New » Watch Out For Fake Terror

The Minute-by-Minute Timeline of 9-11

The Top 10 Conspiracy Theories of 2002

Fake Terrorism Has Always Cleared the Way for Dictatorship

They Tried to Tell Us: Foreign Intelligence Before 9-11

911: The Confluence of History, Conspiracy, and Prophecy

President Bush Caught Lying About 9-11

G&G Arts Special -- Book Review: The War on Freedom

Bush Caught in a Lie About 9-11

RealVideo of Bush reading in the classroom (7 megabytes)

Quicktime of Bush reading in the classroom (7 megabytes)

Bush says he saw the first plane crash on TV
(Click for RealAudio)

In a town hall meeting shortly after the attacks of 9-11, President Bush recalled the thoughts going through his head that fateful morning, when he was visiting an elementary school and reading a story about a girl's pet goat. There's a transcript of the meeting at www.cnn.com/transcripts/0112/04/se.04.html, and towards the bottom of the transcript is the following quote. (Note: Readers in some parts of the country report finding a version of the CNN transcript where this section has been removed.)

QUESTION: One thing, Mr. President, is that you have no idea how much you've done for this country, and another thing is that how did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack?

BUSH: (APPLAUSE) Thank you, Jordan.

Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my chief of staff, Andy Card -- actually I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, "There's one terrible pilot." And I said, "It must have been a horrible accident."

But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff who was sitting over here walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower. America's under attack."

Aside from his disjointed narrative, the problem with Bush's statements is that there was no television coverage of the first plane hitting the tower. There couldn't have been. Video of that first plane hitting the tower did not surface until after the second plane had hit.

Bush is lying through his teeth.

Also, even though Bush is not a very good pilot (he was taken off of flight status for failure to take a medical exam which included a drug test - read the order), it would have been silly to assume that a passenger jet hitting the World Trade Center in clear weather was pilot error. The only other known impact between an aircraft and a New York skyscraper involved a military airplane crashing into the Empire State Building in heavy fog. Because of that incident, there are mandatory altitude minimums over the island. If Bush really did see an airplane on TV hitting the towers, then he must have seen that the aircraft was under control at the time.

And, it must be remembered that even after Andy Card informed Bush of the second impact, and by his own admission, Bush knew we were being attacked. Yet he continued to read to the classroom full of children for 20 minutes.

Think about that for a while.

Transcripts of Bush's comments are also at
http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/12/20011204-17.html and

This information is mirrored from www.whatreallyhappened.com.

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03.13 - I have very extensively researched the Twin Tower Collapses
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