Fahrenheit 9-11 is a timely film. Michael Moore breaks the sound barrier on controversial political issues – and so some folks now swear the film must be full of lies. Surprise, surprise. G&G checked it out, and all of the movie's assertions are indeed the real, unembellished truth.
In fact, as it turns out, Moore soft-pedals the movie's most explosive scene: Bush's behavior on 9-11 itself. Moore lets Bush off the hook. What was really happening in that classroom? Bush sits there, pretending to listen to second graders read about a girl's pet goat.
The camera zooms in on his face. He looks confused, powerless, and terrified – and it has nothing to do with the goat. He knows one plane has hit the World Trade Center and another has been hijacked. When he's notified that the second plane has also crashed into the WTC, Bush just nods. He resumes reading. At this point, Moore lets Bush off the hook.
G&G doesn't. In this issue, we ask questions hotter than Fahrenheit 9-11...
U P D A T E S :
- The Top 10 Unanswered Questions About 9-11
G&G offers a handy synopsis of the wide-ranging discrepancies in the official story of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001...
by Tony Brasunas
- New Poll Reveals Half of New Yorkers Believe US Gov't Knew
The first scientific poll of public attitudes about possible government complicity in the 9-11 attacks has found that over 49% think the U.S. did have foreknowledge and consciously chose not to act. 66% want a new probe of the unanswered questions...
Poll by Zogby International
F E A T U R E S:
- Fahrenheit 9-11 Wakes Us Up
At first, the events of 9-11 just seemed too much to bear – for me, a soft and caring human soul. But Michael Moore's film inspired me to examine my own fears and look deeper. We can be heroes...
by Sven Eberlein
Perfect Circle - Garlic & Grass Exclusive Interview A Professor Leads the Charge: G&G Talks with David Ray Griffin
The esteemed Philosophy of Religion professor talks about patriotism, treason, and the forty smoking guns of 9-11. His latest book on the facts of 9-11 is the best one out there...
- Unflinching: The New Pearl Harbor
Asks All the Hot Questions
Possibly the book of the year. Howard Zinn knows a good thing when he sees it. Oddly, despite its impressive sales, it isn't reviewed in the corporate media. So G&G offers some comments and critiques...
Book Review by Mark Dallas
- Michael Moore, Enhancer of Democracy
Slimeball? Egomaniac? The corporate media denounces him. They see Fahrenheit 9-11 going deeper than their nightly "news" and now actually generating political debate among ordinary Americans...
by Linda McQuaig
- Taking a Closer Look: Hard Science and the Collapse of the World Trade Center
Three skyscrapers collapsed that day, remember? They all fell at freefall speed, not at "pancake" speed. Strange. Examining how they could have fallen so smoothly...
by Dave Heller
- Fahrenheit 9-11 Is Fair and Balanced
Moore makes omissions on both sides of the aisle, but he actually leaves out more that would damn Bush than vindicate him. What bugs the critics is probably the fair and balanced footage of George W. Bush revealing who he truly is....
by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
- G&G Arts - Short Fiction
Being George Orwell (in 2004)
What would you do if you knew? An account of reaction-hysteria. Reeling from a radio report, one man's mind runs away with him...
by Tony Brasunas
R E S O U R C E S:
A Minute-by-Minute Timeline of the Events of 9-11
Paul Thompson's world-famous timeline. Carefully documented, amazingly meticulous. A must-read.
Websites With More Information
Get the other side. Read further. Turn up the temperature. See what the 9-11 Truth Movement is doing in your area.

"Now, I'm not into conspiracy theories, except the ones that are true." - Michael Moore
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03.13 - I have very extensively researched the Twin Tower Collapses
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03.06 - Your article makes a hell of a lot of sense, I must say.
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