A Journal of America's Political Soul Heaven & Earth: Where Politics and Spirituality Meet
July 27, 2024  
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Issue No. 9 - Heaven & Earth
F E A T U R E S :

New » A Message for Humanity

On Morality: The Most Sacred Good

On Courage: Acting in the Presence of Fear

From Darkness, Awakening: A Department of Peace

Spirit Matters:
G&G Interviews Michael Lerner

We Still Need a Religious Left

9/11 and the American Empire:
How Should Religious People Respond?

Saving Fundamentalists From the Religious Right

The Dark Jesus: Spiritual Imagery Inspires Change and Heals Racism

Will We Choose To Survive?

A Sneak-Peak Interview with the Messiah

G&G Arts - Essay
Whose Good? Who's Evil?

Contact Garlic & Grass

Feedback to Garlic & Grass is published in Sprouts.

Jerome Silverstone of Oklahoma wrote:
The 9/11 debacle is no less than the tragedy behind the creation of the AIDS virus, which still many people dispute. The new rulers of the world, the so-called coporatocrats have compromised democracy. They own the industries that must make a profit. If Osama was not for real, they would have invented him. The mighty U.S military machine is serviced by all major industries in the world. Therefore, for them to make a profit, America has to be at war. During Clinton's presidency, the defense budget was drastically reduced, thus hurting all those coporatocrats who supply the U.S defense machine. It was therefore necessary to create a war that would justify military spending and bring profits to the suppliers. To confirm that there was conspiracy in the 9/11 attack, look who stood to benefit if America were attacked. The tragedy is, as long as private companies benefit from war, America is doomed to always create one to spur its industries, since they have through mergers, amalgamations, and takeovers, enmeshed themselves in this web of the war machine. Good writing.

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Also consider submitting your own writing to Garlic & Grass for publication in future issues. For information and topics on future issues, see guidelines and topics of upcoming issues. The folks on the editorial staff of G&G are always looking for new voices.


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03.13 - I have very extensively researched the Twin Tower Collapses
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03.06 - Your article makes a hell of a lot of sense, I must say.
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