A Journal of America's Political Soul Heaven & Earth: Where Politics and Spirituality Meet
October 22, 2024  
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Issue No. 9 - Heaven & Earth
F E A T U R E S :

New » A Message for Humanity

On Morality: The Most Sacred Good

On Courage: Acting in the Presence of Fear

From Darkness, Awakening: A Department of Peace

Spirit Matters:
G&G Interviews Michael Lerner

We Still Need a Religious Left

9/11 and the American Empire:
How Should Religious People Respond?

Saving Fundamentalists From the Religious Right

The Dark Jesus: Spiritual Imagery Inspires Change and Heals Racism

Will We Choose To Survive?

A Sneak-Peak Interview with the Messiah

G&G Arts - Essay
Whose Good? Who's Evil?

Contact Garlic & Grass

Feedback to Garlic & Grass is published in Sprouts.

Daniel O'Neill of San Francisco, CA wrote:
I always feel heartened when I receive G&G's e-mails. Things are so crazy right now. I live in the Bay Area and it is almost like you can see the flames everywhere around you of society burning. What terrible times we are living in! I feel attacked on so many fronts that it is overwhelming. Corporations and the government are literally getting away with murder and theft on vast scales. Corporations are the government are engaging in such egregious thievery and deception it is hard to believe!

I just spent a year living in Germany and was an active member of the local Greenpeace group in Freiburg. In Germany there are thousands of local Greenpeace groups that meet on a regular basis in thousands of cities across the country. It is like an accepted part of life there. I was shocked when returning here to see that there is nothing like this here, despite the bleeding need for it. I have been trying to contact the Greenpeace office in Washington and have been getting either ignored or complete bullshit responses from them everytime I tell them that I am interested in just trying to form a group with like-minded people who can meet on a weekly basis and set up the occasional info stand around town to pass out information and collect signatures from campaigns.

I have a theory about how things are working right now in the U.S.: things that exist, generally tend to exist in order to deprive, block, or prevent what it is that they actually claim to be. For instance, 'medical care' actually is big-business that is centered not around the care of people, but crafty, scheming ways to collect money from people and restrict their access to medical care. That is how they make profit: by blocking and limiting access to the thing they purport to provide. Furthermore, it serves the function of also preventing any other entities from effectively engaging in the provision of such care by invoking legal mechanisms that restrict activities of pre-defined 'providers' of medical care. In essence, its not very different than the mafia-run garbage collection monopolies in most metropolitan areas across the US which not only monopolize waste collection, they also do an excellent job of blocking smaller competing companies which do a much better job of recycling.

So could it be that Greenpeace also is just another racket whose ultimate intention is actually to block any authentic organization and collective efforts on the part of people concerned about the environment? Possibly, although maybe it is just a matter of ineptidude or lack of experience on the part of those running the organization.

And what about public television? If you saw the news recently, part of the recent political deal which narrowly prevented all funding for the PBS from being cut was that the new director is a stalwart Republican - in fact I think he was at one time head of the national Republican party. If you look at the program scheduling for PBS you can pretty easily figure out what it is they are doing - they are intentionally airing the crappiest stuff they can and only to the absolute minimal extent possible do they ever air anything that is truly progressive, informational, or investigatory. I mean, think about it, if you were the director of PBS and had access to the full archives of all public television shows produced in the history of PBS, wouldn't you just go nuts and run stuff like 'Frontline' and 'NOW' all day long? They could do this, but instead they air utter crap even at prime time. The people running PBS are there to block information.

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San Francisco, CA 94110   USA

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