A Journal of America's Political Soul Heaven & Earth: Where Politics and Spirituality Meet
February 14, 2025  
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Issue No. 9 - Heaven & Earth
F E A T U R E S :

New » A Message for Humanity

On Morality: The Most Sacred Good

On Courage: Acting in the Presence of Fear

From Darkness, Awakening: A Department of Peace

Spirit Matters:
G&G Interviews Michael Lerner

We Still Need a Religious Left

9/11 and the American Empire:
How Should Religious People Respond?

Saving Fundamentalists From the Religious Right

The Dark Jesus: Spiritual Imagery Inspires Change and Heals Racism

Will We Choose To Survive?

A Sneak-Peak Interview with the Messiah

G&G Arts - Essay
Whose Good? Who's Evil?

Contact Garlic & Grass

Feedback to Garlic & Grass is published in Sprouts.

Jeff Strahl of Berkeley, CA wrote:
The media obediently follow the cues provided by the US and British governments. They read the handed-down script regarding the London bombings, even as crucial details are being changed daily, not even pausing in the face of mounting inconsistencies. And this includes the 'progressive' media, be it the Nation or Pacifica, eager to prove they are of course not supportive of 'terrorists.' Read or listen all you want, you will find virtually no reference to the many questions being raised about the official accounts. This is quite similar to how the 9/11 events have been treated.

Among these questions are: Why and how did former Israeli prime minister get a warning to stay away from a place where he was to speak, located above one of the blast sites? How does 'suicide bombers' square with earlier police claims of timing devices? Why did the 'suspects' leave a car full of explosives in a parking lot in Luton, 30 miles from London? (Did they expect someone to find the car and put the explosives to good use?) What about the anti-terrorism exercises scheduled for the same hour in which the bombings took place? How did former head of the Mossad Efraim Halevi, writing in the Jerusalem Post on July 7, the day of the attacks, know that the bombs went off simultaneously, when the London police did not say so for days, in fact provided a timeline of over an hour, and how could he claim they were nearly perfect? Why did the 'suspects' take credit cards along on a suicide mission? (Visa is good even in paradise?)

Some good articles on the matter:

How the Government Staged the London Bombings in Ten Easy Steps

The Birth of the London Bomb Official Story

The London Explosions, The Rogue Network. Bush and Iran, by Webster Tarpley, author of George Bush's Unauthorized Biography

The London Attacks. Follows the changing line being spewed by the media, including articles that have been dumped down Winston Smith's memory hole

Former Head of Mossad Gives Game Away?

London Patsies: A Replay of the Pristine 9/11 Passport (reference to the passport that floated intact out of the WTC inferno)

If people don't seriously press the media, the latest propaganda will become 'fact', as has happened with 9/11, whose crucial details remain unexamined, whose official story remains accepted across the political spectrum. This?can only help the emergence of an openly totalitarian regime in the US, Britain, indeed everywhere.

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Also consider submitting your own writing to Garlic & Grass for publication in future issues. For information and topics on future issues, see guidelines and topics of upcoming issues. The folks on the editorial staff of G&G are always looking for new voices.


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